Systematic Functionality of Entäusserung in Karl Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts
Abstract 208 | PDF (Español) Downloads 124 | DOI 15-43
‘Positive secularism’ or a new reaction against enlightened modernity
Abstract 205 | PDF (Español) Downloads 149 | DOI 44-72
Foucault After Foucault. Genealogies of Medical Biopower in the 21st Century Intellectual American Scene
Abstract 186 | PDF (Español) Downloads 105 | DOI 73-102
Libia Posada’s poetics as a visual discourse that opposes hegemonic narratives of identity
Abstract 125 | PDF (Español) Downloads 86 | DOI 103-130
The “Immanent Suffering” in the Unraveling of Temporality
Abstract 154 | PDF (Español) Downloads 146 | DOI 131-149
Thoughts on mind uploading and the autobiographical voice of cyborgs
Abstract 108 | PDF (Español) Downloads 65 | DOI 150-177
Repairing the Fracture: Heterogeneous Community and Affective Recognition in Poeta chileno by Alejandro Zambra
Abstract 159 | PDF (Español) Downloads 89 | DOI 178-207
The Impact of the Lyrical Fourth Dimension in Ambrose Bierce’s Satirical Poetry: An Analysis of the Phonological Expressive Device in Two of his Poems
Abstract 105 | PDF (Español) Downloads 67 | DOI 208-232
Estrella de día (1933), by Jaime Torres Bodet, as a Hollywood Novel: Myths and Demystifications of the Film Industry
Abstract 110 | PDF (Español) Downloads 67 | DOI 233-256
César Vallejo’s Tungsten as a Subversion of Christianity in America
Abstract 122 | PDF (Español) Downloads 78 | DOI 257-273
The fragility of the “civilizing Morse wires”: the beginnings of the telegraph in Colombia, 1865-1915
Abstract 178 | PDF (Español) Downloads 132 | DOI 274-306
The tiple in romances, chronicles and illustrations. Colombia and Cuba, XIX century
Abstract 135 | PDF (Español) Downloads 433 | DOI 307-340
Book review
La memoria histórica: ¿campo de batalla o camino hacia la reconciliación? El pasado entrometido. La memoria histórica como campo de batalla, de Iván Garzón
Abstract 147 | PDF (Español) Downloads 95 | DOI 341-344
Última carta a un lector, de Gerald Murnane (2023), Adalber Salas Hernández (Trad.), Gris Tormenta, 184 p.
Abstract 125 | PDF (Español) Downloads 78 | DOI 345-352