
Antiquity and law: the legal system in India

Arturo Oropeza García
Abstract 1672 | PDF (Español) Downloads 26908 | DOI

Page 6-24

Korean soap operas in Latin America a cultural studies approach

Paula Iadevito, Bárbara Bavoleo
Abstract 1505 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5631 | DOI

Page 25-39

The transpacific and the risk: Fukushima disaster effects

Samuel F. Velarde
Abstract 3846 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1895 | DOI

Page 40-49

Systemic risks of asean+3 financial integration: challenges, opportunities and the future

Chikako IWATA, Jose Ma. Luis MONTESCLAROS, Xiao QI
Abstract 3154 | PDF Downloads 1945 | DOI

Page 63-80

Colombian coffee in China: Challenges and opportunities

Mateo Jiménez Posada, Laura Gómez Gómez, María Arango Roldán, Lorena Gómez Castaño, Gabriela Palacios Ramírez, Andrés Restrepo Campuzano, Sebastián Toro Restrepo, Manuela Vasquez Ochoa
Abstract 4871 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7109 | DOI

Page 81-98

What am I talking about when talking about Murakami

Semillero de Investigación Asia Pacífico
Abstract 398 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4754

Page 99-122