Abstract 273 | PDF (Español) Downloads 142Page 7-8
The right to lawful correction
Abstract 490 | PDF (Español) Downloads 319 | DOI 11-36
The myth of the result
Abstract 534 | PDF (Español) Downloads 519 | DOI 37-52
Notes on the (strict and vicarious) liability of the legal entity for crimes committed by individuals integrated in its structure. The Peruvian case.
Abstract 1275 | PDF (Español) Downloads 761 | DOI 53-101
Most responsible and decisive participation in the Colombian transitional justice
Abstract 573 | PDF (Español) Downloads 338 | DOI 103-133
The evolution of the violent carnal access crime with the application of the gender perspective: Maria Odilia Henao Aristizábal case. Commentary about the judgment of the Supreme Justice Court of May 12 202, filed 59.936, R.P. Patricia Salazar Cuellar
Abstract 237 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1514Page 137-167
Differential Approach Based on Gender Applied to the Signing of Agreements and to the Control of Actions: Analysis on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, Criminal Cassation Chamber, of April 14th, 2021, file 54.691, M.P. Eugenio Fernández Carlie
Abstract 226 | PDF (Español) Downloads 379Page 169-190
The felony murder restrictions in the Colombian criminal system. A commentary on the judgement of the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice of February 10, 2021, file 52.857, Judge Rapporteur Patricia Salazar Cuéllar
Abstract 231 | PDF (Español) Downloads 528Page 193-216
Crimes against humanity. An analytical approach.
Abstract 205 | PDF (Español) Downloads 350Page 221-238