Validation of the Technological Community Centers´ Model proposed by Escuela Global

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María del Rosario Atuesta Venegas
Claudia María Zea Restrepo
Beatriz Nicholls Estrada


Community Centers, Telecenter, Community development, ICT and Community, Community participation


The present article shares, in an analytical way, the results of the research done by Línea I+D in Educative Informatics, of Universidad EAFIT, which validates the Technological Community Centers´ Model proposed by Escuela Global, analyzing each one of their components to the light of three new Communitarian Technological Centers that started functioning, located in the Tablacito neighborhood, Yarumal and Convención in the Municipality of Rionegro, department of Antioquia. The activities applied in those centers concluded that the model proposed by Escuela Global brings significant solutions to the needs and conditions of these communities and it leaves an open road to continue with the validation of the model in other social and cultural contexts with diverse levels of formation.


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