Creatividad y cognición musical: un acercamiento al aprendizaje de la composición

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Juan Gabriel Osuna Barriga


musical composition, creativity, cognitive processes, learning


This research gives way to the question: What are the creative cognitive processes that take place in the musical composition exercise? Its general objective is to characterize the commonly used processes that may emerge during the creative solution of problems (category reduction, attributes searching, mental mixture, conceptual interpretation, etc.). A multiple case study that directly observes those processes during a composition exercise performed by two subjects carrying out the same cognitive task is held. The exercise is a piece for soprano, guitar and electronic devices, based on a specific alchemical process previously agreed by both of them. The findings of a previous study led by the author in 2011 are the main ground for this research, which aims at an approach to the learning of composition that may contribute insight into the academic training of composers.


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