About the Journal
Ricercare is a yearly, peer-reviewed, online journal. It publishes research and research-creation articles with varying perspectives about music (historical, theoretical, interpretative, pedagogical, etc.).
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Current Issue
No. 17 (2024)
Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of Neo-Riemannian and Pitch-Class Set Theory
Abstract 374 | PDF (Español) Downloads 178Page 1-60
Abstract 11 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8Page 61-68
The piano, the salon tradition, and music education in San Juan de Pasto through the life story of the composer Javier Fajardo Chaves (1950-2011)
Abstract 34 | PDF (Español) Downloads 22Page 69-92
“Local-color articles have utmost significance” Insights to the 19th-century salons in Bogotá
Abstract 36 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12Page 93-122
Organist, lawyer, sheriff, and perpetual alderman. Study of the memorial of Luis Díaz Álvarez to the council of Santiago de Cali, 1751-1752
Abstract 52 | PDF (Español) Downloads 36Page 123-145
Sies piezas del album de música de Ana y Cristina Echeverría
Abstract 14 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8Page 146-162
Reseñas biográficas
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4Page 163-166