Towards a reference model for knowledge management processes for software-developing organizations: validation by experts
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process reference model, knowledge management, validation by experts, software development organizations
This paper aims to present the results of content and structure validation of a proposal of a reference model for knowledge management (KM) processes for software-developing organizations. Particularly, experts on KM affiliated with Latin America based institutions were surveyed. They completed an online survey asking about the descriptive elements of the model processes, the potential relevance and feasibility of implementing the model processes across Latin American organizations, as well as the influence that a set of factors might have on successfully implementing the model processes. The results obtained showed a high level of consensus among experts with respect to meeting the criteria established for validation. In addition, areas for improvement were detected in the description of the model processes which serve as a departure point for adjusting and developing a new version of the model.
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Aurum, A., Daneshgar, F., & Ward, J. (2008). Investigating Knowledge Management practices in software development organisations - An Australian experience. Information and Software Technology, 50(6), 511-533. Recuperado de
Baruch, Y., & Holtom, B. C. (2008). Survey response rate levels and trends in organizational research. Human Relations, 61(8), 1139-1160. Recuperado de
Buono, A. F., & Poulfelt, F. (2005). Challenges and issues in knowledge management. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Pub.
Capote, J., Llantén, C. J., Pardo, C., & Collazos, C. (2009). Gestión del Conocimiento en un Programa de Mejora de Procesos de Software en MiPyMEs: KMSPI Model. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 50, 205-216.
Carrillo, F. J. (2001). Meta-KM: A Program and A Plea. Journal of the KMCI, 1(2), 27-54.
Carrillo, F. J., & Galvis-Lista, E. (2014). Procesos de Gestión de Conocimiento desde el enfoque de sistemas de valor basados en conocimiento. Ideas CONCYTEG, 9(107), 3-22.
Carrillo, F. J., González, O., Elizondo, G., & Correa, A. (2014). Marco Analítico del Sistema de Capitales. En F. J. Carrillo (ed.), Sistemas de Capitales y Mercados de Conocimiento. Seatle, USA: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Dingsøyr, T., Bjornson, F. O., & Shull, F. (2009). What Do We Know about Knowledge Management? Practical Implications for Software Engineering. Software, IEEE, 26(3), 100-103.
Dwivedi, Y. K., Venkitachalam, K., Sharif, A. M., Al-Karaghouli, W., & Weerakkody, V. (2011). Research trends in knowledge management: Analyzing the past and predicting the future. Information Systems Management, 28(1), 43-56.
Easterbrook, S., Singer, J., Storey, M.A., & Damian, D. (2008). Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research. En F. Shull, J. Singer & D. I. K. Sjøberg (eds.), Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 285-311). London: Springer London. Recuperado de
Galvis-Lista, E., & Sanchez-Torres, J. M. (2013a). A critical review of knowledge management in software process reference models. JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 10(2), 323-338. Recuperado de
________. (2013b). Modelo de Referencia de Procesos de Gestión del Conocimiento para Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software de Colombia V0.1. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Recuperado de
________. (2014a). Modelo de Referencia de Procesos de Gestión del Conocimiento para Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software de Colombia V0.2. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Recuperado de
________. (2014b). Modelo de Referencia de Procesos de Gestión del Conocimiento para Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software de Colombia V0.3. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Recuperado de
________. (2014c). Revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre Procesos de Gestión de Conocimiento. REVISTA GTI, 13(37). Recuperado de
Ghobadi, S., & D’Ambra, J. (2013). Modeling High-Quality Knowledge Sharing in cross-functional software development teams. Information Processing and Management, 49(1), 138-157. Recuperado de
Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: An organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(1), 185-214.
Goldoni, V., & Oliveira, M. (2010). Knowledge management metrics in software development companies in Brazil. Journal of Knowledge Management, 14(2), 301-313. Recuperado de
Huong, N. T., Katsuhiro, U., & Chi, D. H. (2011). Knowledge transfer in offshore outsourcing: A case study of Japanese and vietnamese software companies. Journal of Global Information Management, 19(2), 27-44. Recuperado de
ISO/IEC. (2014). ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1: Procedures for the technical work. 2014 (11th ed.). Ginebra, Suiza: ISO/IEC.
Jabar, M. A., Sidi, F., & Selamat, M. H. (2010). Tacit knowledge codification. Journal of Computer Science, 6(10), 1170-1176. Recuperado de
Juliani, D. P., Juliani, J. P., De Souza, J. A., & De Abreu, A. F. (2012). Evaluation of knowledge sharing in a collaborative software: Individual aspects and usability. Espacios, 33(9), 6.
Liu, Z., & Wang, H. (2011). Analysis on factors influencing the knowledge sharing of employee of software enterprises: A case study of Shandong, China. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 3(4), 110-116. Recuperado de
Mathiassen, L., & Pourkomeylian, P. (2003). Managing knowledge in a software organization. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(2), 63-80. Recuperado de
Rus, I., & Lindvall, M. (2002). Guest Editors’ Introduction: Knowledge Management in Software Engineering. IEEE Software, 19(3), 26-38.
Sandhawalia, B., & Dalcher, D. (2008). Knowledge Management Capability Framework. En Knowledge Management In Action (Vol. 270, pp. 165-180). Boston, MA: Springer US. Recuperado de
Schmitz, C. (2013). LimeSurvey - The Open Source Survey Application (Version 2.05). Recuperado de
Vlaanderen, K., Van De Weerd, I., & Brinkkemper, S. (2013). Improving software product management: A knowledge management approach. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 12(1), 3-22. Recuperado de
Wang, H., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Tacit knowledge sharing in software companies: The psychological contract perspective. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(17), 207-214. Recuperado de
Williams, C. (2011). Client-vendor knowledge transfer in IS offshore outsourcing: Insights from a survey of Indian software engineers. Information Systems Journal, 21(4), 335-356. Recuperado de