Organizational evolution: socio-biological basis for understanding the metaphor
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metaphor, darwinian theory, evolution, co-evolution, evolutionary psychology, firms
The purpose of this paper is to provide an approach to the metaphorical use of Darwin’s evolutionist view in a variety of areas of knowledge –social sciences, anthropology, sociology, psychology and economics. A theoretical analysis of the links between these areas and business organizations is carried out resulting in a succinct theoretical foundation about the interrelationships of evolution, as a biological concept, with the business reality. The latter, like any species, must adapt to the environment in the struggle for existence, and must, in addition, co-evolve in order to increase its chances of survival. Finally, unaddressed aspects or contradictions are pointed out which suggest possible outlooks for future research studies.
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Lara, J. S., & Rojas, C. A. (2014). Evolução Organizacional da Industria Siderúrgica Integrada: Um Estudo de Caso na Colômbia. In EnANDAP 2014 (pp. 1–8). Rio de Janeiro: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração. doi:
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