Burnout in SMEs: A Management-Level Approach
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Burnout, SMEs, Managers
Burnout is a term that is frequently heard in business, causing great health problems to its employees and an impact on the company’s economic results. The purpose of this research is to identify the existence of burnout in employees at the managerial level in SMEs. It is a qualitative investigation using the interview as an instrument. The sample is focused on mid-level managers in the industry, commerce and service sectors, two companies per sector. To generate the results, a model called Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS) and the burnout syndrome cycle were used. Managers who manifested burnout syndrome have excessive workloads in such a way that they do not achieve the objectives set by management, which makes the managers who suffer have health problems such as stress, cardio-muscular problems that even have family problems, that is, the above exceeds their emotional capacity.
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