Digital Brands and Web 3.0 Enterprises: Social Network Analysis and Thematic Analysis of User activities and Behavioral Patterns in Online Retailers

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Fatemeh Sharafi Farzad
Shaghayegh Kolli
Tohid Soltani
Saeid Ghanbary


Web 3.0 enterprise, Social Network Analysis, Thematic analysis, E-commerce, Customer Behavioral Pattern, Digikala, Online Shopping, Twitter


Considering the importance of web 3.0 enterprises in online retailing, this article addresses how these enterprises operate in Iranian context. DigiKala, is an online retailer that has been one of the most successful Start-ups in Iran and has gains 85-90% of the online retailers market of the country. This enterprise has started to evolve its value chain to a platform business. On the other hand, twitter as a free social networking microblogging has been one of the most important tools in online market, as customers, especially on digital markets, share their positive and negative comments in regard with their purchase experience. In this research, firstly social network analysis (SNA) method used to understand the relationships and individual nodes in the network. Then, thematic analysis method applied to analyze the sent tweets to achieve users’ behavioral patterns. Using different social media, like twitter, and sharing the feedback is also valid for Digikala as a web 3.0 enterprises. This research studied the network of tweets in a special events namely Black Friday which DigiKala offered considerable discounts for the customers. Some implications of our research are also presented at the end of this article.


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