The private sector and peacebuilding in postconflict colombia: a theoretical study

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Cristian Bedoya Dorado
Melissa Charfuelán Aguirre


Private sector, business, peacebuilding, post-conflict


In 2016, with the signing of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian national government and
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People’s Army (FARC-EP) in, a post-conflict scenario
began in Colombia. It is characterized by a series of challenges and the need for input from various
actors, including the business sector. The objective of this article is to explore and analyze which are the
practices and actions that companies can carry out to contribute to the construction of peace. To this
end, an exploratory research was carried out with a documentary design divided in two phases: on the
one hand, a review of the literature on peacebuilding business practices, and on the other, a documentary
analysis of guides and peacebuilding proposals from national and international organizations. The results
suggest that the companies contribute to the construction of peace mainly from CSR practices and
shared value oriented to economic development. This corresponds with the guidelines of national and
international organizations that are geared towards generating jobs and entrepreneurship projects.


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