La evaluación social en el Estado Liberal

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Leonardo Solarte Pazo


Evaluation Theory, Evaluation of Public Policy, Welfare Evaluation, Evaluative dimensions in the liberal State, Evaluation and liberal State, Development Evaluation.


This article treats on the social evaluation, particularly referred to the state interventions by means of policies, programs or public projects, approaching the public evaluation like a discipline in whom elements of diverse fields of the knowledge are conjugatedsuch as political science, the public policies and the public administration.Its intention is to make notice the existing relation between the evaluative theory andthe principles of political liberalism, as well as the potential importance of the evaluativepractice within the liberal state of well-being. In the first case some existing theoreticalnexuses between the evaluative theory and the liberal political theory are identified, inthree dimensions: axiological, epistemological and the conception of the state.In the second case, diverse forms appear to conceive the roll of the evaluation like a toolof conformation of the democracy, political and social learning, as well as mechanism toimprove the management of the government.


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