Organizaciones Virtuales
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New Organizational Forms, Modern Organization, Virtual Organizations.
Virtual Organizations are new organizational forms originated from both the replacementof face to face communications by remote communications supported by electronic means,and from the accesibility of real time information about the operation of the company, forall employees.This article pursues the following goals: 1) To define virtual organization, review its sociotechnical antecedents and propose a preliminary classification into inter-organizationaland intra-organizational forms. 2) To discuss the characteristics of virtual organizationsand their impact on organizational design, and 3) To compare virtual organizations toother organizational forms.
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Ahuja, M. K., y K. M. Carley. (1999). “Network Structure in Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol.10. No.6. pp. 741.
Apgar, M. (1998). “The Alternative Workplace: Changing Where and How People Work”. En:Harvard Business Review. pp 121-136
Armstrong, A. y J. Hagel. (1996). “The Real Value of On Line Communities”.En: Harvard Business Review. Pp. 134-141
Baird, L. et al. (1999). “Learning from Action: Imbedding More Learning into the Performance Fast Enough to Make a Difference”. En:Organizational Dynamics. Pp. 19
Bart, V. y S. Carroll. (1994). “The Dark Side of the New Organizational Forms: An Editorial Essay”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 5. No 4. pp. 479.
Benjamin, R. y R. Wigand. Winter .(1995). “Electronic Markets and Virtual Value Chains on the Information Superhighway”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 62-72.
Boland, R., y R.Tenkasi. (1995). “Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 350
Brown, J. S. y P. Duguid. (1991). “Organizational Learning and Communities of Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 2. No. 1. pp. 40.
Bush, J. B. y Frohman, A. L. Autum. (1991). “Communication in a "Network" Organization”.En: Organizational Dynamic. Vol. 20. No.2. pp 23.
Carr, N. (1998). The Politics of E-mail. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 12,13.
Cohen, M. D. y P. Bacdayan. (1994). “Organizational Routines are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a laboratory study”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 5. No.4. pp. 554
Coombs, R. et al. (1992). “Culture, Control and Competition: Towards a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Information Technology in Organizations”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 51.
Coutu, D. (1998). “ Trust in Virtual Teams”. En:Harvard Business Review. pp 20,21. Cross, R. y L.
Baird. (2000). “Technology is not enough: Improving Performance by building Organizational Memory”.En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 69.
Culnan, M. J. y M. L. Markus. (1987). Information technologies. In F. M. Jablin & L. L. Putnam & H. Roberts, & L. W. Porter (Eds.), Handbook of organizational communication: An interdisciplinary perspective.: Newbury Park, CA, State.
Daft, R. y G. P. Huber. (1987). “How organizations learn: A communication framework”. En: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. No.5. pp. 1-36.
Daft, R. y A. Y. Lewin. (1993). “Where are the Theories for the "New" Organizational Forms?” An Editorial Essay. En: Organization Science. Vol. 4. No.4.
Daft, R. y K. E. Weick. (1984). “Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems”. En: Academy of Management Review. Vol 9. No. 2.
Davenport, T. R. G. et al. (1992). “Information Politics”. En: Sloan Management Review.
Davis, T. R. V. B. L. Darling. (1995). “How virtual corporations manage the performance of contractors: The Super Bakery case”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 24. No. 1. pp. 70
J. Deighton. (1996). “The future of Interactive Marketing”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 151.
DeSanctis, G. y P. Monge. (1999).“Communication Processes for Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp. 693
Drucker, P. F. (1992).“The New Society of Organizations”. En: Harvard Business Review. Vol.70. No.5. pp. 95
Einsenberg, E. M. y M. G. Witten. (1987).“Reconsidering Openness in Organizational Communication”. En: Academy of Management Review. Vol. 12. No.3. pp. 418- 426
Epple, D. et al. (1991). “Organizational Learning Curves: A Method for Investigating Intra-Plant Transfers of Knowledge Acquired Through learning by doing”. En: Organizational Science. Vol. 2. No 1. pp. 58
Evans, P. y T. Wurster. (1999). “Getting Real About Virtual Commerce”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp 85.
Fragoso, Suely. (2001). Espacio, ciberespacio, hiperespacio. Razón y Palabra, Proyecto Internet. publicaciones/logos/anteriores/n22/22_sfragoso.html.
Fulk, J. y G. DeSantics. (1995). “Electronic Communication and Changing Organizational Forms”. En: Organization Science. Vol.6. No.4. pp.337
Galbraith, J. R. (1974). “Organization Design: An Information Processing View”. En: Interfaces. pp. 36.
Ghosh, S. (1998). “Making Business Sense of The Internet”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp.126-127.
Grabowski, M. y K. H. Roberts. (1999). “Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp.704
Grandori, A. (1997). “An Organizational Assessment of Interfirm Coordination Modes”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 18. No. 6. pp. 897-925
Grandori, A. y G. Soda. (1995). “Inter-firm Networks: Antecedents, Mechanisms and Forms”. En: Organization Studies. 16 (2): 183-214.
Gurbaxani, V. y S. Whang. (1991). “The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Markets”. En: Comm. ACM. pp. 34 59-73.
Hagel III, J. y J. F. Rayport. (1997). “The Coming Battle for Customer Information”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 53
Handy, C. (1995). “Trust and The Virtual Organization”. En:Harvard Business Review. Vol. 73. No. 3. pp. 40
Hinds, P. y S. Kiesler. (1995). “Communication across Boundaries: Work,structure, and Use of Communication Technologies in a Large Organization”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No 4. pp. 373
Hirschhorn, L. y T. Gilmore. (1992). “The New Boundaries of the Boundaryless Company”. En: Harvard Business Review.Vol. 70. No.3. pp. 104
Ho Park, S. (1996). “Managing an Interorganizational Network: A framework of the Institutional Mechanism for Network Control”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 17. No.5. pp.795-824
Hofstede, G. Summer. (1999). “Problems remain, but theories will change: The universal and the specific in 21st century global management”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No.1. pp. 34 44
Holland, C. P. y A. G. Lockett. (1997). “Mixed Mode Network Structure: The Strategic Use of Electronic Communication by Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 8. No. 5. pp. 475
Hoogeweegen, M. et al. (1999). “Modular network design: Using information and communication technology to allocate production tasks in a virtual organization”. En: Decision Sciences. Vol.30. No 4. pp. 1073-1103
Jarvenpaa, S. y D. E. Leidner. (1999). “Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations”.En: Organization Science. Vol.10. No 6. pp. 704 Joerges, B. y B. Czarniawska. (1998). “The Question of Technology, or how Organizations inscribe the world”. En: Organization Studies. Vol.19.No. 3. pp. 363-385
Kambil, A. y J. E. Short. “Electronic integration and business network redesign: A roleslinkage perspective”. En: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 10. No 4. pp. 59-83
Kayani, J. M. et al. (1996). “Relational control and interactive media choice in technology- mediated communication situations”. En: Human Communication Research. No.22. pp. 399-421
Kendon, A. (1967). “Some Functions of Gaze Direction in Social Interaction”. En: Act Psychological. No.26. pp. 1047.
Kiely, T. (1996). “Interactive Shopping”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp.12
Kogut, B. y U. Zander. (1996).“What Firms Do? Coordination, Identity, and Learning”. En:
Organization Science. No.7. pp. 502.
Kraut, R. et al.(1999). “Coordination and Virtualization: The Role of Electronic Networks and Personal Relationships”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No 6. pp. 722
Kumar, N. (1996). “The power of trust in Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships”. En: Harvard Business Review .pp. 92.
Kurland, N. B. y Bailey, D. (1999). “Telework: The Advantages and Challenges of Working Here, There, Anywhere, and Anytime”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No. 2. pp. 53-68.
Landry, J. (1998). “Electronic Commerce, A New Take on Web Shopping”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 16,17.
Lea, M. et al. (1995). “Constructing the Networked Organization: Content and Context in the Development of Electronic Communications”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No 4. pp. 462
Lewine, V. et al. (1998). “Comment: The Digital World Is Here to Stay-Use It or Lose 87 Out.” En: American Banke.r. Vol.163. No 81. pp. 17
Lucas, H. C. et al. (1994). “The Role of Information Technology in Organization Design”. En: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 10. No. 4. pp. 9-23
Maas, J. (1999). “Information Rules: A strategic Guide to the Network Economy”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 152.
Magretta, J. (1998). “Fast, Global, and Entrepreneurial: Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong Style An interview with Victor Fung”. En: Harvard Business Review.
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Marchak, J. y R. Radner. (1972).“The Theory of Teams”. New Haven. Yale University Press
Markus, M. L. (1994). Finding a happy medium. Communication Research.
McChesney, M. C. (1997). “Banking in Cyberspace: An Investment in Itself”. En: IEEE Spectrum. Vol. 34. No. 2. pp. 54-59
McLuhan y Powers. (1992). The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century (Communication and Society). Oxford University Press.
Monge, P. R. et al. (1998).“Production of Collective Action in Alliance-Based Interorganizational Communication and Information Systems”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 9. No. 3. pp. 411
Morisi, T. L. (1996). “Commercial banking transformed by computer technology.” En: Monthly Labor Review. Vol. 11. No.8. pp. 30-36.
Moss, R. (1999). “Change is Everyone's Job: Managing the Extended Enterprise in a Globally Connected World”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No. 1. pp. 7-23
Nohria, N. y R. G. Eccles. (1990). Face to Face: Making Network Organizations Work. In N. Nohria & R. G. Eccles (Eds.), Networks and Organizations: 288-308. Boston, State: Harvard Business School Press.
Orlikowski, W. J. et al. (1995). “Shaping Electronic Communication: The Metastructuring of Technology in the Context of Use”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 423
Ouchi, W. C. (1977). ”The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Control”. En: Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 22. No. 1. pp. 95
Pickering, J. M. y J. L. King. (1995). “Hardwiring Weak Ties: Interorganizational Computer mediated Communication, Occupational Communities, and Organizational Change”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 479
Poster, M. (1990). The Mode of Information: Post-structuralism and Social Context. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.
Quinn, J. B. (1999). «Strategic Outsourcing: Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities”. En: Sloan Management Review.
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Review. pp. 75.
Rice, R. E. (1993). “Media Appropriateness: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Traditional and new Organizational Media”. En: Human Communication Research. No. 19. pp. 451-484
Ring, P. S. y A. H. Van de Ven, (1994). “Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships”. En: Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 19. No. 1. pp. 90-118.
Rogers, C. R. y F. J. Roethlisberger. (1991). “Barriers and Gateways to Communication”. En: Harvard Business Review. Vol. 69. No. 6. pp.105
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Short, J. et al. (1976). “The Social Psychology of Telecommunications”. New York. John Wiley.
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Staples, D. S. et al. (1999). “A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No.6. pp. 758
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Venkatraman, N. (1994). “Enabled Business Transformation: From Automation to Business Scope Redefinition”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp.73
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Walther, J. B. (1996). “Computer-Mediated Communication: Impersonal, Interpersonal, and Hyperpersonal Interaction”. En: Communication Research Vol. 23. No. 1. pp. 3-43
Wenger, E. C. et al. (2000). “Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 139
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Apgar, M. (1998). “The Alternative Workplace: Changing Where and How People Work”. En:Harvard Business Review. pp 121-136
Armstrong, A. y J. Hagel. (1996). “The Real Value of On Line Communities”.En: Harvard Business Review. Pp. 134-141
Baird, L. et al. (1999). “Learning from Action: Imbedding More Learning into the Performance Fast Enough to Make a Difference”. En:Organizational Dynamics. Pp. 19
Bart, V. y S. Carroll. (1994). “The Dark Side of the New Organizational Forms: An Editorial Essay”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 5. No 4. pp. 479.
Benjamin, R. y R. Wigand. Winter .(1995). “Electronic Markets and Virtual Value Chains on the Information Superhighway”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 62-72.
Boland, R., y R.Tenkasi. (1995). “Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 350
Brown, J. S. y P. Duguid. (1991). “Organizational Learning and Communities of Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 2. No. 1. pp. 40.
Bush, J. B. y Frohman, A. L. Autum. (1991). “Communication in a "Network" Organization”.En: Organizational Dynamic. Vol. 20. No.2. pp 23.
Carr, N. (1998). The Politics of E-mail. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 12,13.
Cohen, M. D. y P. Bacdayan. (1994). “Organizational Routines are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a laboratory study”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 5. No.4. pp. 554
Coombs, R. et al. (1992). “Culture, Control and Competition: Towards a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Information Technology in Organizations”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 51.
Coutu, D. (1998). “ Trust in Virtual Teams”. En:Harvard Business Review. pp 20,21. Cross, R. y L.
Baird. (2000). “Technology is not enough: Improving Performance by building Organizational Memory”.En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 69.
Culnan, M. J. y M. L. Markus. (1987). Information technologies. In F. M. Jablin & L. L. Putnam & H. Roberts, & L. W. Porter (Eds.), Handbook of organizational communication: An interdisciplinary perspective.: Newbury Park, CA, State.
Daft, R. y G. P. Huber. (1987). “How organizations learn: A communication framework”. En: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. No.5. pp. 1-36.
Daft, R. y A. Y. Lewin. (1993). “Where are the Theories for the "New" Organizational Forms?” An Editorial Essay. En: Organization Science. Vol. 4. No.4.
Daft, R. y K. E. Weick. (1984). “Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems”. En: Academy of Management Review. Vol 9. No. 2.
Davenport, T. R. G. et al. (1992). “Information Politics”. En: Sloan Management Review.
Davis, T. R. V. B. L. Darling. (1995). “How virtual corporations manage the performance of contractors: The Super Bakery case”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 24. No. 1. pp. 70
J. Deighton. (1996). “The future of Interactive Marketing”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 151.
DeSanctis, G. y P. Monge. (1999).“Communication Processes for Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp. 693
Drucker, P. F. (1992).“The New Society of Organizations”. En: Harvard Business Review. Vol.70. No.5. pp. 95
Einsenberg, E. M. y M. G. Witten. (1987).“Reconsidering Openness in Organizational Communication”. En: Academy of Management Review. Vol. 12. No.3. pp. 418- 426
Epple, D. et al. (1991). “Organizational Learning Curves: A Method for Investigating Intra-Plant Transfers of Knowledge Acquired Through learning by doing”. En: Organizational Science. Vol. 2. No 1. pp. 58
Evans, P. y T. Wurster. (1999). “Getting Real About Virtual Commerce”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp 85.
Fragoso, Suely. (2001). Espacio, ciberespacio, hiperespacio. Razón y Palabra, Proyecto Internet. publicaciones/logos/anteriores/n22/22_sfragoso.html.
Fulk, J. y G. DeSantics. (1995). “Electronic Communication and Changing Organizational Forms”. En: Organization Science. Vol.6. No.4. pp.337
Galbraith, J. R. (1974). “Organization Design: An Information Processing View”. En: Interfaces. pp. 36.
Ghosh, S. (1998). “Making Business Sense of The Internet”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp.126-127.
Grabowski, M. y K. H. Roberts. (1999). “Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp.704
Grandori, A. (1997). “An Organizational Assessment of Interfirm Coordination Modes”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 18. No. 6. pp. 897-925
Grandori, A. y G. Soda. (1995). “Inter-firm Networks: Antecedents, Mechanisms and Forms”. En: Organization Studies. 16 (2): 183-214.
Gurbaxani, V. y S. Whang. (1991). “The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Markets”. En: Comm. ACM. pp. 34 59-73.
Hagel III, J. y J. F. Rayport. (1997). “The Coming Battle for Customer Information”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 53
Handy, C. (1995). “Trust and The Virtual Organization”. En:Harvard Business Review. Vol. 73. No. 3. pp. 40
Hinds, P. y S. Kiesler. (1995). “Communication across Boundaries: Work,structure, and Use of Communication Technologies in a Large Organization”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No 4. pp. 373
Hirschhorn, L. y T. Gilmore. (1992). “The New Boundaries of the Boundaryless Company”. En: Harvard Business Review.Vol. 70. No.3. pp. 104
Ho Park, S. (1996). “Managing an Interorganizational Network: A framework of the Institutional Mechanism for Network Control”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 17. No.5. pp.795-824
Hofstede, G. Summer. (1999). “Problems remain, but theories will change: The universal and the specific in 21st century global management”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No.1. pp. 34 44
Holland, C. P. y A. G. Lockett. (1997). “Mixed Mode Network Structure: The Strategic Use of Electronic Communication by Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 8. No. 5. pp. 475
Hoogeweegen, M. et al. (1999). “Modular network design: Using information and communication technology to allocate production tasks in a virtual organization”. En: Decision Sciences. Vol.30. No 4. pp. 1073-1103
Jarvenpaa, S. y D. E. Leidner. (1999). “Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations”.En: Organization Science. Vol.10. No 6. pp. 704 Joerges, B. y B. Czarniawska. (1998). “The Question of Technology, or how Organizations inscribe the world”. En: Organization Studies. Vol.19.No. 3. pp. 363-385
Kambil, A. y J. E. Short. “Electronic integration and business network redesign: A roleslinkage perspective”. En: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 10. No 4. pp. 59-83
Kayani, J. M. et al. (1996). “Relational control and interactive media choice in technology- mediated communication situations”. En: Human Communication Research. No.22. pp. 399-421
Kendon, A. (1967). “Some Functions of Gaze Direction in Social Interaction”. En: Act Psychological. No.26. pp. 1047.
Kiely, T. (1996). “Interactive Shopping”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp.12
Kogut, B. y U. Zander. (1996).“What Firms Do? Coordination, Identity, and Learning”. En:
Organization Science. No.7. pp. 502.
Kraut, R. et al.(1999). “Coordination and Virtualization: The Role of Electronic Networks and Personal Relationships”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No 6. pp. 722
Kumar, N. (1996). “The power of trust in Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships”. En: Harvard Business Review .pp. 92.
Kurland, N. B. y Bailey, D. (1999). “Telework: The Advantages and Challenges of Working Here, There, Anywhere, and Anytime”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No. 2. pp. 53-68.
Landry, J. (1998). “Electronic Commerce, A New Take on Web Shopping”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 16,17.
Lea, M. et al. (1995). “Constructing the Networked Organization: Content and Context in the Development of Electronic Communications”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No 4. pp. 462
Lewine, V. et al. (1998). “Comment: The Digital World Is Here to Stay-Use It or Lose 87 Out.” En: American Banke.r. Vol.163. No 81. pp. 17
Lucas, H. C. et al. (1994). “The Role of Information Technology in Organization Design”. En: Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol. 10. No. 4. pp. 9-23
Maas, J. (1999). “Information Rules: A strategic Guide to the Network Economy”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp. 152.
Magretta, J. (1998). “Fast, Global, and Entrepreneurial: Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong Style An interview with Victor Fung”. En: Harvard Business Review.
March, J. G. y H. A. Simon. (1958). Organizations. New York. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Marchak, J. y R. Radner. (1972).“The Theory of Teams”. New Haven. Yale University Press
Markus, M. L. (1994). Finding a happy medium. Communication Research.
McChesney, M. C. (1997). “Banking in Cyberspace: An Investment in Itself”. En: IEEE Spectrum. Vol. 34. No. 2. pp. 54-59
McLuhan y Powers. (1992). The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century (Communication and Society). Oxford University Press.
Monge, P. R. et al. (1998).“Production of Collective Action in Alliance-Based Interorganizational Communication and Information Systems”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 9. No. 3. pp. 411
Morisi, T. L. (1996). “Commercial banking transformed by computer technology.” En: Monthly Labor Review. Vol. 11. No.8. pp. 30-36.
Moss, R. (1999). “Change is Everyone's Job: Managing the Extended Enterprise in a Globally Connected World”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 28. No. 1. pp. 7-23
Nohria, N. y R. G. Eccles. (1990). Face to Face: Making Network Organizations Work. In N. Nohria & R. G. Eccles (Eds.), Networks and Organizations: 288-308. Boston, State: Harvard Business School Press.
Orlikowski, W. J. et al. (1995). “Shaping Electronic Communication: The Metastructuring of Technology in the Context of Use”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 423
Ouchi, W. C. (1977). ”The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Control”. En: Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 22. No. 1. pp. 95
Pickering, J. M. y J. L. King. (1995). “Hardwiring Weak Ties: Interorganizational Computer mediated Communication, Occupational Communities, and Organizational Change”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 479
Poster, M. (1990). The Mode of Information: Post-structuralism and Social Context. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.
Quinn, J. B. (1999). «Strategic Outsourcing: Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities”. En: Sloan Management Review.
Rayport, J. y J. Sviokla. (1995). “Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain”. En: Harvard Business
Review. pp. 75.
Rice, R. E. (1993). “Media Appropriateness: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Traditional and new Organizational Media”. En: Human Communication Research. No. 19. pp. 451-484
Ring, P. S. y A. H. Van de Ven, (1994). “Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships”. En: Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 19. No. 1. pp. 90-118.
Rogers, C. R. y F. J. Roethlisberger. (1991). “Barriers and Gateways to Communication”. En: Harvard Business Review. Vol. 69. No. 6. pp.105
Sahay, S. (1997). “Implementation of Information Technology: A Time-Space Perspective”. En: Organization Studies. Vol.18. No. 2. pp. 229-260.
Short, J. et al. (1976). “The Social Psychology of Telecommunications”. New York. John Wiley.
Simoson, V. y M. Ernest.( 1990). “The "Centrally Decentralized" IS Organization”. En: Harvard Business Review. Vol. 68. No. 4. pp. 158
Snow, C. et al. (1992). “Managing 21st Century Network Organizations”. En: Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 20. No.3. pp.5
Staples, D. S. et al. (1999). “A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in Virtual Organizations”. En: Organization Science. Vol. 10. No.6. pp. 758
Tedlow, R. (1996). “Roadkill on the Information Superhighway”. En: Harvard Business Review. pp. 164-166.
Thompson, J. D. (1967). Organizations in Action. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Ulf, E. et al. (1997). “Decision Making in Inter-firm Networks as a Political Process”. En: Organization Studies. Vol. 18. No. 3. pp. 361-384
Uzzi, B. (1997). “Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The paradox of Embeddedness”. En: Administrative Science Quarterly. No.42. pp. 35-67
Venkatraman, N. (1994). “Enabled Business Transformation: From Automation to Business Scope Redefinition”. En: Sloan Management Review. pp.73
Walther, J. B. (1995). “Relational Aspects of Computer-mediated Communication: Experimental Observations over Time”. En: Organization Science. Vol.6. No.2. pp. 186
Walther, J. B. (1996). “Computer-Mediated Communication: Impersonal, Interpersonal, and Hyperpersonal Interaction”. En: Communication Research Vol. 23. No. 1. pp. 3-43
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