Semiótica de la Interacción Comunicativa en las Organizaciones

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Sonia López Franco


Communicative Interaction, Participant observation, Languages, Semiotic.


This article presents both a methodological and conceptual framework for a micro-researchcurrently being developed as part of the course Communicative Interaction in Organisations, ofthe Communicative Studies Area in the Humanities Department at EAFIT University.The activity that is being carried out focuses on the observation of communicative practices ofsome organisations (small, large, industrial, health area, etc). Once instruction on participantobservation, dense description, category allocation and notions relevant to the particularities ofcommunicative actions in organisations has been conducted, a formal agreement is establishedwith specific organisations, and the objective and methodology are explained to them.The observation period has a six-month duration (the academic term).  During this period eachteam of three students visits the organisation five or six times.  Next, open presentations of theexperience are presented to community and members of the organisation, for a final writtenaccount of an analytic approximation to the facts described.


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