The Mediating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support Between Presenteeism and Employee Performance: A Study of Sugar Manufacturing in Erzincan, Turkey

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Mohammad Quasim Ayaz


Presenteeism, Supervisory Support, Employees Performance, Social Relation Theory.


There is a broad understanding that a relationship exists between leaders’ behavior and employees’ reaction, particularly in the sense of presenteeism, which ensures the good health of employees. However, we agree that much less is understood about potential mediating processes that underline the links between supervisory support, presenteeism and employees’ support. İn this study, the indicators of employee performance are linked with presenteeism, while supervisor support plays a mediating factor. We linked social learning theory, where individuals value observable behaviors. The findings of the study revealed a positive relationship between presenteeism and employee performance in Erzincan state of Turkey. The study found positive mediation of supervisory support between presenteeism and employee performance. The relationship of the research model was tested with the help of implementation of adopted questionnaires from 280 individuals who responded as potential participants. The analysis explored positive remarks of the hypothesis (accepted). The findings of the study, contributes to both the academic and non-academic arenas, leading to potential understanding as to the importance of both presenteeism and supervisory support.


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