The influence of value co-creation on customer loyalty, behavioural intention, and customer satisfaction in emerging markets

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Mehran Kamali
Hadi Zarea
Zhan Su
Saeideh Soltani


Customer value co-creation, Customer satisfaction, Behavioural tendencies, Customer behavioural loyalty, Customer attitudes loyalty


One of the current major trends in the media industry is customer value co-creation. User participation can significantly affect news media organisations. This study examines the impact of value co-creation on the loyalty, satisfaction, and behavioural tendencies of media consumers, using a survey of users of My Fars news platform. The conceptual model of this study is developed and tested by using survey data from 283 users of the news campaign in Fars News and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is employed to simultaneously test the hypothesized relationships. The results show that user participation in value co-creation significantly affects their satisfaction, loyalty, and behavioural tendencies.


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