How gender and age can affect consumer purchase behavior? Evidence from A microeconomic perspective from Hungary

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Maria Fekete-Farkas
Abbas Gholampour
Parisa Bouzari
Hadi Jarghooiyan
Pejman Ebrahimi


Comportamiento de compra del consumidor, Género, Edad, Facebook, Marketing en redes sociales


The present study aimed to investigate the effect of demographic variables of gender and age on online consumer purchase behavior (CPB) on Facebook in Hungary. The statistical population of the present study consists of Facebook users in Hungary, including Hungarian natives, foreigners residing in this country including students. A sample of 433 online consumers in different age groups was surveyed. The questionnaire was shared via an online link on the Facebook platform and also on various channels. Welch’s t-test was used to examine the gender variable, and Welch and Brown-Forsythe test was used to examine the age variable. The results showed that there was a significant difference between CPB in all age groups and the age group of over 50 years on Facebook. This important result emphasized the importance and impact of social networks as marketing channels on young people. Another important point was the difference between the purchase behaviors of male and female consumers. The results from this research can have implications for businesses in developing their competitive advantages and adopting proper approaches in advertising and marketing campaigns based on the socio-demographic characteristics of people.


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