Possible actions of public and private actors towards regenerative development of businesses, in future scenarios
Main Article Content
Sustainability, public policies, future scenarios, regenerative, multi-stakeholders, externalities
This study objective is to contribute to the analysis of multi-stakeholder actions to promote green and
regenerative businesses while contributing to the lagging Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets.
The methodology of future scenarios was used to develop narratives and a retrospective timeline from
2030 to the present.
Risks, opportunities and patterns of action towards sustainable futures in Bolivia are identified as main
findings, clarifying in each case, which of the SDG targets is being contributed to. Then, immediate,
medium and long-term actions needed, and recommendations are determined from the multi-stakeholder
perspective which implies working in a coordinated manner throughout the following years, towards
business models that contribute to sustainable development and prioritize regenerative perspectives
while promoting the most lagging SDG targets as an externality of these actions.
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