Automated Recognition of Bioacoustic Signals: a Review of Methods and Applications

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Paula Catalina Caycedo-Rosales
José Francisco Ruiz-Muñoz
Mauricio Orozco-Alzate


automated enviromental monitoring, bioacoustics, acoustic signal processing, pattern recognition.


During the past decade, numerous research studies and applications on automated bioacoustic monitoring have been published; however, such studies are scattered in the literature of engineering and life sciences. This paper presents a review on fundamental concepts of automated acoustic monitoring. Our aim is to compare and categorize —in a taxonomy of techniques DSP/PR— the contributions of published research studies and applications; in order to suggest some directions for future research and highlight challenges and opportunities related to the deployment of this technology in Colombia.

PACS: 43.60.-c, 43.60.Lq, 43.80.-n


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