
Tricomi's Φ-equation

Diego A. Castro G., Alexander Gutiérrez G.
Abstract 923 | PDF (Español) Downloads 544 | DOI

Page 11-28

Tampering Detection on Digital Evidence for Forensics Purposes

Héctor Duvan Ortiz, Diego Renza, Dora M. Ballesteros L.
Abstract 965 | PDF (Español) Downloads 530 | DOI

Page 53-74

Leave-one-out Evaluation of the Nearest Feature Line and the Rectified Nearest Feature Line Segment Classifiers Using Multi-core Architectures

Ana Lorena Uribe-Hurtado, Eduardo-Jose Villegas-Jaramillo, Mauricio Orozco-Alzate
Abstract 1326 | PDF Downloads 567 | DOI

Page 75-99

Assesment of the Mechanical Variability of Rock Slabs by Means of Non-Destructive Tests: Analysis Methods

A. J. Aparicio Ortubé, Lúdger O. Suárez Burgoa
Abstract 690 | PDF (Español) Downloads 441 | DOI

Page 101-116

Identifying Factors Causing Delays and Cost Overruns in Construction Projects in Colombia

Sara Lozano Serna, Ivonne Patiño Galindo, Adriana Gómez-Cabrera, Andrés Torres
Abstract 2318 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1413 | DOI

Page 117-151

Risk Assessment of Shallow Landslides for Infrastructure Projects: Analysis of the Case of a Landslide in the El Cabuyal Zone

Roberto J. Marín, Juan Carlos Guzmán-Martínez, Hernán Eduardo Martínez Carvajal, Edwin F. García-Aristizábal, Juan Diego Cadavid-Arango, Paulina Agudelo-Vallejo
Abstract 1795 | PDF (Español) Downloads 922 | DOI

Page 153-177

Spatial variability of the Sabana de Bogotá clayed soil in reliability of primary consolidation settlements

Fausto Andrés Molina-Gómez, Juan Carlos Ruge, Javier Camacho-Tauta
Abstract 1136 | PDF (Español) Downloads 688 | DOI

Page 179-205


From Obtaining to Degradation of PHB: A Literature Review. Part II

Antonio José dos Santos, Luiz Veriano Oliveira Dalla Valentina, Andrey Alayo Hidalgo Schulz, Marcia Adriana Tomaz Duarte
Abstract 1724 | PDF Downloads 800 | DOI

Page 207-228