Influence of substrate temperature on the microstructure of TiN/TiC

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D M Devia
Fernando Mesa
Pedro José Arango


Pulsed Arc, Microstructure, TiN/TiC, XPS, XRD.


TiN/TiC bilayers were deposited using Plasma Assisted Physical Vapor Deposition technique PAPVD)-Pulsed Arc, varying the substrate temperature ina range of 100-120◦C, with intervals of 5◦C. Coatings were analyzed through
XPS and XRD. From signal processing narrow spectrum of XPS and the XRD patterns, was determined the formation of TiN (Titanium Nitride), TiC (Titanium Carbide) and TiCN (Titanium Carbide Nitride) compounds in the

PACS: 68.35.Ct, 68.55.A-, 68.65.Ac


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