Dinámica del virus de la hepatitis C con carga viral y ALT y monitoreo del daño hepático libre de biopsias

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Justino Alavez-Ramírez


hepatitis C, viral load, hepatic damage, biopsies, parameters, threshold parameter.


The standard model of three populations (healthy and unhealthy hepatocytes, and viral load) for the study of the dynamics of hepatitis C virus (HCV), is compared with viral dynamic model with alanine aminotransferase (ALT). In terms of the threshold parameter that it’s the same for both models, the existence and local asymptotic stability of the endemically infected equilibrium steady state, and the global stability of the healthy individual equilibrium steady state are established. Furthermore, an experimental study is presented showing that it’s possible to carry out the monitoring of hepatic damage biopsies free by numerical parameter estimation, considering only viral load and ALT levels measurements and a reasonable assessment of pretreatment hepatic damage.

PACS: 87.19.xd

MSC: 97M60


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