
Influence of the ENSO on the spatial and temporal variability ocurrence of landslides triggered by rain in the Andean region

Karolina Naranjo Bedoya, Edier Vicente Aristizábal Giraldo, José Alfred Morales Rodelo
Abstract 1157 | PDF (Español) Downloads 864 | DOI

Page 11-42

Acquisition and Evaluation of Rock Mass Geometric Data from Three-Dimensional Images for use in Geotechnical Analysis

Jorge Luis Peñuela-Nieto, Gloria Inés Beltrán-Calvo, Rodrigo Hernández-Carrillo
Abstract 895 | PDF (Español) Downloads 666 | DOI

Page 43-73

Proposal of a Tool for Integrating BIM and Financial Decisions in Construction Projects

Wilson Andrés Prieto-Tibaduiza, Sebastián Mauricio Rocha-Vega, Holmes Julián Páez, Natalia E Lozano-Ramírez
Abstract 2623 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1195 | DOI

Page 75-101

Nakayama Automorphism of Some Skew PBW Extensions

Héctor Suárez, Armando Reyes
Abstract 679 | PDF Downloads 471 | DOI

Page 157-177


Spray Drying of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Madalyd Yurani Vera Peña, Misael Cortés Rodríguez, Francia Elena Valencia-García
Abstract 1804 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1204 | DOI

Page 179-213