Underpinnings of humanistic management: a philosophical approach
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humanistic management, philosophical rombus, ontology, epistemology, axiology, praxeology
This paper uses the philosophical rhombus proposed by Bédard to analyze the ontological, epistemological, axiological and praxiological dimensions of humanistic management, revealing the complexity involved in studying and implementing this approach. As a result of the analysis, the challenges faced by humanistic management are identified, prominent among which is changing the management paradigm that prevailed during the twentieth century, including various disciplines in its study as well as abandoning the homo economicus as a rationality of human activity. This paper offers an outlook of humanistic management rooted in the dimensions that are part of the philosophy of administration rather than in the philosophical trends that sustain it, resulting in the identification of the social science disciplines, the values and the practices that make up the study of humanistic management.
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Aktouf, O., & Holford, W. D. (2008). The implications of Humanism for Business administration and studies. Organizações & Sociedade, 15(45), 15-28.
________. (2009). The implications of humanism for business studies. En H. Spitzeck, M. Pirson, W. Amann, S. Khan & E. Von Kimakowitz (eds.), Humanism in Business (pp. 101-122). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Arandia, O., Portales, L., & García de la Torre, C. (2014). El lado humano del acero: El caso de Tenaris Tamsa. En C. Largacha, E. Von Kimakowitz, M. Pirson, H. Spitzeck, C. Dierksmeier & W. Amann (eds.), Tendencias gerenciales. Gestión humanista aplicada. 12 casos empresariales exitosos en el mundo (2.ª ed., pp. 145-177). Bógota: ECOE Ediciones.
Baumeister, R. F., & Bargh, J. A. (2014). Conscious and Unconscious. Toward an Integrative Understanding of Human Mental Life and Action. En J. W. Sherman, B. Gawronski & Y. Trope (eds.), Dual-Process Theories of the Social Mind (pp. 35-49). New York: Guilford Publications.
Bédard, R. (1995). Les fondements philosophiques de la direction. Montréal: École des Hautes Études Commerciales.
________. (junio-diciembre, 2003). Los Fundamentos del Pensamiento y las Prácticas Administrativas. El rombo y las cuatro dimensiones filósifocas. Revista Universidad EAFIT, 3, 68-88.
________. (2006). Les fondements de la pratique administrative: le losange aux quatre dimensions philosophiques. Recuperado de: http://web.hec.ca/chgm/
Bédard, R., & Chanlat, A. (2000). Les NTIC et la révolution managériale. Nouvelles Tendances En Management, 1(7), 15-18.
Boff, L. (2004). Ética y moral: la búsqueda de los fundamentos (2.ª ed.). Santander: Sal Terrae.
Carpintero, F. (2008). La ley natural : historia de un concepto controvertido. Madrid: Encuentro.
Castrillón Orrego, S. (2008). Administración y sabidurías. Esbozando algunos nexos. Revista Universidad EAFIT, 44(149), 60-73.
Chanlat, A. (2004). Gestiones y humanismos: una arqueología de la gestión. Iztapalapa, 55(24), 35-52.
________. (2007). Approches interdisciplinaires dans l’étude des problèmes humains de la gestion. Montreal: Centre humanismes, gestions et mondialisation. Recuperado de http://web.hec.ca/chgm/
Chanlat, A., & Bédard, R. (1997). La administración, una cuestión de palabra. Revista Tecnología Administrativa, 11(25), 1-32.
Chomsky, N. (2001). El bien común. México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno.
Dávila-Gómez, A. M., & Crowther, D. (2012). Introduction: Managerial Responsibility for Human Dignity. En Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility: Diversity, Rights, and Sustainability (pp. 1-12). Burlington: Gower Publishing.
Dávila-Gómez, A. M., & Lotero Patiño, S. S. (2012). Management, virtues and Human Dignity: Towards a better future for the “Whole”. En A. M. Dávila-Gómez & D. Crowther (eds.), Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility: Diversity, Rights, and Sustainability (pp. 27-40). Burlington: Gower Publishing.
Delannon, N., Raufflet, E., Portales, L., & García de la Torre, C. (2014). Communautés locales. En F. Tannery, J. P. Denis, T. Hafsi, & A. C. Martinet (eds.), Encyclopédie de la stratégie (pp. 95-106). París: Vuibert.
Dierksmeier, C., & Pirson, M. (2009). Oikonomia versus chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle about the future orientation of business management. Journal of Business Ethics. Recuperado de http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-009-0128-7
Durkheim, E. (1975). Educación y sociología. Barcelona: Ediciones Península. Recuperado de http://imgonix.planetadelibros.com/usuaris/libros_contenido/arxius/28/27793_Educacion y sociologia.pdf
________. (1982). Historia de la educación y de las doctrinas pedagógicas: la evolución pedagógica en Francia. Madrid: La Piqueta. Recuperado de http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=157903
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Fachrunnisa, O., Adhiatma, A., & Mutamimah. (julio, 2014). The role of workplace spirituality and employee engagement to enhance job satisfaction and performance. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 7, 15-36.
Fayol, H. (1947). Administration industrielle et générale: prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, contrôle. París: Dunod.
Fotaki, M., & Prasad, A. (2014). Social justice interrupted? Values, pedagogy, and purpose of business school academics. Management Learning, 45(1), 103-106.
Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management : a stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman.
________. (1999). Response: Divergent Stakeholder Theory. The Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 233. doi:10.2307/259078
Fromm, E. (2007). El humanismo como utopía real: la fe en el hombre. Barcelona: Paidós.
García de la Torre, C., & Portales, L. (2013). El ataque a la dignidad humana en el trabajo, el caso del “mobbing en acción”. Recuperado de http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2419800
García de la Torre, C., Portales, L., & Arandia, O. (2014). The Formation Humanistic at the Tecnológico de Monterrey: The Citizen of the Future. En N. Lupton & M. Pirson (eds.), Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management (pp. 256-268). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
García de la Torre, C., Raufflet, E., & Portales, L. (2011). Las alianzas entre empresas y ONG como medio para promover la RSE y el Desarrollo Local. Innovation/Innovación/Inovação-RICEC, 3(1), 1-13. Recuperado de http://ricec.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=64&lang=es
González López, L. (enero-diciembre, 2007). Humanismo y Gestión Humana: Una perspectiva de interpretación para el trabajo social aplicado al campo laboral. Revista Eleuthera, 1, 42-63.
Granovetter, M. (1978). Threshold Models of Collective Behavior. American Journal of Sociology, 83(6), 1420-1443.
Grassl, W., & Habisch, A. (2011). Ethics and Economics: Towards a New Humanistic Synthesis for Business. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(1), 37-49.
Gusdorf, G. (1977). La Parole (8.ª ed.). París: Presses universitaires de France.
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Lombana, J., Cabeza, L., Castrillón, J., & Zapata, Á. (2014). Formación en competencias gerenciales. Una mirada desde los fundamentos filosóficos de la administración. Estudios Gerenciales, 30, 301-313.
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Dávila-Gómez, A. M., & Crowther, D. (2012). Introduction: Managerial Responsibility for Human Dignity. En Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility: Diversity, Rights, and Sustainability (pp. 1-12). Burlington: Gower Publishing.
Dávila-Gómez, A. M., & Lotero Patiño, S. S. (2012). Management, virtues and Human Dignity: Towards a better future for the “Whole”. En A. M. Dávila-Gómez & D. Crowther (eds.), Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility: Diversity, Rights, and Sustainability (pp. 27-40). Burlington: Gower Publishing.
Delannon, N., Raufflet, E., Portales, L., & García de la Torre, C. (2014). Communautés locales. En F. Tannery, J. P. Denis, T. Hafsi, & A. C. Martinet (eds.), Encyclopédie de la stratégie (pp. 95-106). París: Vuibert.
Dierksmeier, C., & Pirson, M. (2009). Oikonomia versus chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle about the future orientation of business management. Journal of Business Ethics. Recuperado de http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-009-0128-7
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Fachrunnisa, O., Adhiatma, A., & Mutamimah. (julio, 2014). The role of workplace spirituality and employee engagement to enhance job satisfaction and performance. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 7, 15-36.
Fayol, H. (1947). Administration industrielle et générale: prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, contrôle. París: Dunod.
Fotaki, M., & Prasad, A. (2014). Social justice interrupted? Values, pedagogy, and purpose of business school academics. Management Learning, 45(1), 103-106.
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________. (1999). Response: Divergent Stakeholder Theory. The Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 233. doi:10.2307/259078
Fromm, E. (2007). El humanismo como utopía real: la fe en el hombre. Barcelona: Paidós.
García de la Torre, C., & Portales, L. (2013). El ataque a la dignidad humana en el trabajo, el caso del “mobbing en acción”. Recuperado de http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2419800
García de la Torre, C., Portales, L., & Arandia, O. (2014). The Formation Humanistic at the Tecnológico de Monterrey: The Citizen of the Future. En N. Lupton & M. Pirson (eds.), Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management (pp. 256-268). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
García de la Torre, C., Raufflet, E., & Portales, L. (2011). Las alianzas entre empresas y ONG como medio para promover la RSE y el Desarrollo Local. Innovation/Innovación/Inovação-RICEC, 3(1), 1-13. Recuperado de http://ricec.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=64&lang=es
González López, L. (enero-diciembre, 2007). Humanismo y Gestión Humana: Una perspectiva de interpretación para el trabajo social aplicado al campo laboral. Revista Eleuthera, 1, 42-63.
Granovetter, M. (1978). Threshold Models of Collective Behavior. American Journal of Sociology, 83(6), 1420-1443.
Grassl, W., & Habisch, A. (2011). Ethics and Economics: Towards a New Humanistic Synthesis for Business. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(1), 37-49.
Gusdorf, G. (1977). La Parole (8.ª ed.). París: Presses universitaires de France.
Harris, M. (1976). History and significance of the emic/etic distinction. Annual Review of Anthropology, 5, 329-350.
Horton Cooley, C. (1964). Human nature and the social order. New York: Schocken Books.
Husserl, E. (1970). The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology: An introduction to phenomenological philosophy. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Kant, I. (2007). Anthropology, history, and education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kazemipour, F., & Mohd Amin, S. (2012). The impact of workplace spirituality dimensions on organisational citizenship behaviour among nurses with the mediating effect of affective organisational commitment. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(8), 1039-48.
Kehr, H. (2004). Integrating implicit motives, explicit motives, and perceived abilities: The compensatory model of work motivation and volition. Academy of Management Review, 29(3), 479-499.
Lombana, J., Cabeza, L., Castrillón, J., & Zapata, Á. (2014). Formación en competencias gerenciales. Una mirada desde los fundamentos filosóficos de la administración. Estudios Gerenciales, 30, 301-313.
Louden, R. B. (2014). Kant’s impure ethics: from rational beings to human beings. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Marcos, A. (noviembre, 2010). Filosofía de la naturaleza humana. Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía, 35, 181-208.
Mayo, E. (1933). The human problems of an industrial civilization. New York: Macmillan Co.
McFarland, D. E. (1977). Management, humanism, and society: The case for macromanagement theory. Academy of Management Review, 2(4), 613-623.
McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Melé, D. (2003). The Challenge of Humanistic Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 44, 77-88.
________. (2009). Current trends in humanism and business. En H. Spitzeck, M. Pirson, W. Amann, S. Kahn & E. Von Kimakowitz (eds.), Humanism in Business (pp. 123-139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
________. (2013). Antecedents and current situation of humanistic management. African Journal of Business Ethics, 7(2), 52-61. doi:10.4103/1817-7417.123079
Miller, D. W., & Ewest, T. (2011). The Present State of Workplace Spirituality: A literature review considering context, theory, and measurement/assessment. En Academy of Management Procedures 2011 (pp. 1-40). San Antonio: Academy of Management.
Morris, M. W., Leung, K., Ames, D., & Lickel, B. (1999). Views from inside and outside: Integrating emic and etic insights about culture and justice judgment. Academy of Management Review, 24(4), 781-796.
Nida-Rümelin, J. (2009). Philosophical Grounds of Humanism in Economics. En H. Spitzeck, M. Pirson, W. Amann, S. Khan & E. Von Kimakowitz (eds.), Humanism in Business (pp. 15-25). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Parmar, B. L., Freeman, R. E., Harrison, J. S., Wicks, A. C., Purnell, L., & Colle, S. (2010). Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. The Academy of Management Annals, 4, 403-445.
Pirson, M. (2012). Towards a Humanistic Management Paradigm: a step back to embrace the future?. Recuperado de http://ssrn.com/abstract=2221635 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2221635
________. (2013). Towards a Humanistic Management Paradigm: A Step Back to Embrace the Future? Fordham University Schools of Business Research Paper; Humanistic Management Network, Research Paper Series, (13-02). http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2221635
Pirson, M., Steinvorth, U., Largacha-Martinez, C., & Dierksmeier, C. (2014). Introduction. En From Capitalistic to Humanistic Business (p. 240). New York; London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Pirson, M., & Von Kimakowitz, E. (2010). Towards a Human Centered Theory and Practice of the Firm Fordham University Schools of Business Research Paper No. 2010-006. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1654827.
Pirson, M., Von Kimakowitz, E., Spitzeck, H., Amann, W., & Khan, S. (2009). Introduction: Humanism in business. En H. Spitzeck, M. Pirson, W. Amann, S. Khan & E. Von Kimakowitz (eds.), Humanism in Business (pp. 1-12). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Podestá, P. (2006). Un acercamiento al concepto de cultura. The Bi-Annual Academic Publication of Universidad ESAN, 11(21), 25-39.
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