Brand personality of Business Schools in Chile: Model proposal
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Brand Personality, Business Schools, Theoretical Model, Personality Traits, Chile
This research presents the model “Business School Brand Personality” (BSBP), which fulfils all the requirements of content validity. The BSBP model is based on the brand personality model of Aaker (1997), but it adapts to the unique characteristics of business schools in Chile. In order to detect the dimensions of the BSBP model, an exhaustive literature review was performed, semi-structured questionnaires, as well as interviews and focus groups for students were applied, and expert opinions were seeked. The participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students was taken into account, therefore the proposed model applies to business schools as a whole, and not to a particular type of students. As a result, the BSBP was proved to be multidimensional and composed of the following dimensions: a) competition, b) innovation, c) sincerity, d) enthusiasm, e) rudeness, f) elitist, g) ambition, and h) social. The results contribute to the literature, because it is the first model proposed for business schools. Consequently, the proposed model can be used as a first approximation for research taking place focusing on higher education sectors in other countries.
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Aaker, D. (1992). The value of brand equify. Journal of Business Strategy, 13(4), 27-32.
Aaker, D. (1996). Building Strong Brands. New York: The Free Press.
Aaker, D. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 347-356.
Aaker, J. L., Benet-Martinez, V., & Garolera, J. (2001). Consumption symbols as carriers of culture-a study of Japanese and Spanish brand personality constructs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(3), 492-508.
Abdullah, F. (2006). The development of HEdPERf; a new measuring instrument of service quality for the higher education sector. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30, 569-581.
Allen, D. E., & Olson, J. (1995). Conceptualizing and creating brand personality: A narrative theory approach. En F. R. Kardes y M. Sujan (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research (Vol. 22) (pp. 391-395). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
Altbach, P., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. (2009). Trends in global higher education. En UNESCO, World Conference on Higher Education. París.
Álvarez-Ortiz, C., & Harris, J. (2002). Assesing the structure of brand personality among global and local Mexican brands. En American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference. San Diego, CA.
América y Economía. (2014). El eterno retorno. Recuperado de
Arambewela, R., & Hall, J. (2006). A comparative analysis of international education satisfaction using SERVQUAL. Journal of Services Research, 6, 141-163.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2014). Propuesta de metodología en la determinación de los grupos estratégicos. Revista EAN, 76, 64-77.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2015). Dinámica competitiva de las universidades en Chile y la necesidad de potenciar el mercado de la educación a distancia. Aposta, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 64, 1-30.
Araya-Castillo, L., & Etchebarne, S. (2014). Personalidad de marca de partidos politicos: Una mirada desde la comunidad estudiantil universitaria. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 125-141.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2015). Personalidad de marca de los partidos políticos: propuesta de modelo. Revista Folios, 40, 67-89.
Araya-Castillo, L., & Pedreros-Gajardo, M. (2013). Usos del celular en jóvenes chilenos de bajos recursos. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 11(1), 77-92.
Austin, J., Siguaw, J., & Mattila, A. (2003). A re-examination of the generalizability of the Aaker brand personality measurement framework. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11, 77-92.
Barrios, M., & Massa, C. (1999). Dimensiones de la personalidad de marca en Venezuela (Tesis de Maestría), Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas.
Batra, R., Donald, R. & Singh, D. (1993). The Brand Personality Component of Brand Goodwill: Some Antecedents and Consequences. En
D. A. Aaker & A. Biel (eds.) Brand Equity and Advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Bosnjak, M., Bochmann, V., & Hufschmidt, T. (2007). Dimensions of brand personality attributions. A person-centric approach in the German Cultural context. Social Behavior and Personality, 35(3), 303-316.
Brunner, J. (2006). Sistema privatizado y mercados universitarios: competencia reputacional y sus efectos. Revista UDP - Pensamiento y cultura, 3, 47-56.
________. (2008). El sistema de educación superior en Chile: un enfoque de economía política comparada. Avaliacao Campinas, 13(2), 451-486.
Brunner, J., & Uribe, D. (2007). Mercados universitarios: el nuevo escenario de la educación superior. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Caprara, G., Barbaranelli, C., & Guido, G. (1997). Personality as metaphor: Extension of the psycho-lexical hypothesis and the five factor model to brand and product personality description. European Advances in Consumer Research, 3, 61-69.
Caprara, G., Barbaranelli, C., & Guido, G. (2001). How to make the methapor fit? Journal of Economic Phsycology, 22, 377-395.
Chen, F., Yue, X., Yang, X., & Tingting, G. (2014). Study on Classification of Personality-Based Brand Archetype from the Perspective of Internet. China Communicarions, 11(7), 153-160.
Colmenares, O., & Saavedra, J. (2008). Dimensiones de la personalidad de marca. Caso estudio: cadena de farmacias. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 42, 220-232.
Correia, S., & Miranda, F. (2012). DUAQUIAL: Calidad percibida por docentes y alumnos en la gestión universitaria. Cuadernos de Gestión, 12(1), 107-122.
D´Astous, A., & Levesque, M. (2003). A scale for measuring store personality. Psychology & Marketing, 20, 455-469.
Davies, G., Chun, R., Vinhas da Silva, R., & Roper, S. (2004). A corporate character scale to assess employee and customer views of organization reputation. Corporate Research in Marketing, 7, 125-146.
De Wulf, K., & Odekerken-Schorode, G. (2003). Assesing the impact of Retailer´s relationship efforts on consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10, 95-108.
Denegri, M., Cabezas, D., Herrera, V., Paez, A., & Vargas, M. (2009). Personalidad de marca de carreras de psicología de universidades estatales en Chile: Un estudio Descriptivo. Revista IIPSI, 12(2), 13-23.
Denegri, M., Cabezas, D., Novoa, M., Peralta, J., & Estrada, C. (2013). Personalidad de marca en carreras de psicología de zonas territoriales extremas: Arica y Punta Arenas. Magallania (Chile), 41(2) 85-100.
Deng, S., & Dart, J. (1994). Measuring market orientation: A multi-factor, multi-item approach. Journal of Marketing Management, 10(8), 725-742.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dill,D. (2007). Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Practices and Issues. UNC College of Arts and Sciences, 1-13. Recuperado en:
Fernández, A. (2011). Las Escuelas de Negocio y el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo Económico. La visión desde una escuela pública. Revista Economía Industrial, (381), 15-18.
Fernandi, J., Valette-Florence, P., & Fine-Falcy, S. (2000). Aakker´s brand personality scale in a French Context: a replication and preliminary test of its validity. Developments in Marketing Science, 23, 7-13.
Freling, T., Crosno, J., & Henard, D. (2011). Brand personality appeal: conceptualization and empirical validation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(3), 392-406.
Gallo, G. (2000). Posicionamiento: El caso Latinoamericano. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.
García, L., Denegri, M., Orellana, O. Y., Herrera, E., & Campos, M. (2014). Personalidad de marca en carreras pertenecientes a tres áreas académicas de la UNMSM. Revista de Investigación en Psicología (IIPSI),17(1), 13-29.
Geuens, M., Weijters, B., & De Wulf, K. (2009). A new measure of brand personality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(2), 97-107.
Gómez, A., Yague, M. J., & Villaseñor, N. (2014). Destination Brand Personality: An Application to Spanish Tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.1997
González, Ó., & Schmal, R. (2005). Descripción del sistema universitario de Colombia y de Chile: Una relación comparativa. Cuadernos de Administración, 18, 221-240.
Goñi, N., Torres, E., & Aguilera, S. (2013). Dimensiones de la personalidad de la marca. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (RCS), XIX(2), 213-225.
Haigood, T. (2001). Desconstructing Brand Personality. En AMA Summer Educators Conference. Chicago.
Heere, B. (2010), A New Approach to Measure Perceived Brand Personality Associations Among Consumers. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 19(1), 17-24.
Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination image and destination personality: An application of branding theories to tourism places. Psychological Research, 43, 638-642.
Jain, R., Sahney, S., & Sinha, G. (2013). Developing a Scale to Measure Student´s Perception of Service Quality in the Indian Context. The TQM Journal, 25(3), 276-294.
Jain, R., Sinha, G., & Sahney, S. (2011). Conceptualizing service quality in higher education. Asian Journal on Quality, 12, 296-314.
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Karami, M., & Olfati, O. (2012). Measuring service quality and satisfaction of students: A case study of students´ perception of service quality in high-ranking business schools in Iran. African Journal of Business Management, 6(2), 658-669.
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Lee, E.-J., & Rhee, E.-Y. (2008). Conceptual Framework of Within-Category Brand Personality Based on Consumers’ Perception (WCBP-CP): The Case of Men’s Apparel Category in South Korea. Journal of Brand Management, 15(6), 465-489.
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Altbach, P., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. (2009). Trends in global higher education. En UNESCO, World Conference on Higher Education. París.
Álvarez-Ortiz, C., & Harris, J. (2002). Assesing the structure of brand personality among global and local Mexican brands. En American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference. San Diego, CA.
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Arambewela, R., & Hall, J. (2006). A comparative analysis of international education satisfaction using SERVQUAL. Journal of Services Research, 6, 141-163.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2014). Propuesta de metodología en la determinación de los grupos estratégicos. Revista EAN, 76, 64-77.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2015). Dinámica competitiva de las universidades en Chile y la necesidad de potenciar el mercado de la educación a distancia. Aposta, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 64, 1-30.
Araya-Castillo, L., & Etchebarne, S. (2014). Personalidad de marca de partidos politicos: Una mirada desde la comunidad estudiantil universitaria. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 125-141.
Araya-Castillo, L. (2015). Personalidad de marca de los partidos políticos: propuesta de modelo. Revista Folios, 40, 67-89.
Araya-Castillo, L., & Pedreros-Gajardo, M. (2013). Usos del celular en jóvenes chilenos de bajos recursos. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 11(1), 77-92.
Austin, J., Siguaw, J., & Mattila, A. (2003). A re-examination of the generalizability of the Aaker brand personality measurement framework. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11, 77-92.
Barrios, M., & Massa, C. (1999). Dimensiones de la personalidad de marca en Venezuela (Tesis de Maestría), Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas.
Batra, R., Donald, R. & Singh, D. (1993). The Brand Personality Component of Brand Goodwill: Some Antecedents and Consequences. En
D. A. Aaker & A. Biel (eds.) Brand Equity and Advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
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Brunner, J. (2006). Sistema privatizado y mercados universitarios: competencia reputacional y sus efectos. Revista UDP - Pensamiento y cultura, 3, 47-56.
________. (2008). El sistema de educación superior en Chile: un enfoque de economía política comparada. Avaliacao Campinas, 13(2), 451-486.
Brunner, J., & Uribe, D. (2007). Mercados universitarios: el nuevo escenario de la educación superior. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Caprara, G., Barbaranelli, C., & Guido, G. (1997). Personality as metaphor: Extension of the psycho-lexical hypothesis and the five factor model to brand and product personality description. European Advances in Consumer Research, 3, 61-69.
Caprara, G., Barbaranelli, C., & Guido, G. (2001). How to make the methapor fit? Journal of Economic Phsycology, 22, 377-395.
Chen, F., Yue, X., Yang, X., & Tingting, G. (2014). Study on Classification of Personality-Based Brand Archetype from the Perspective of Internet. China Communicarions, 11(7), 153-160.
Colmenares, O., & Saavedra, J. (2008). Dimensiones de la personalidad de marca. Caso estudio: cadena de farmacias. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 42, 220-232.
Correia, S., & Miranda, F. (2012). DUAQUIAL: Calidad percibida por docentes y alumnos en la gestión universitaria. Cuadernos de Gestión, 12(1), 107-122.
D´Astous, A., & Levesque, M. (2003). A scale for measuring store personality. Psychology & Marketing, 20, 455-469.
Davies, G., Chun, R., Vinhas da Silva, R., & Roper, S. (2004). A corporate character scale to assess employee and customer views of organization reputation. Corporate Research in Marketing, 7, 125-146.
De Wulf, K., & Odekerken-Schorode, G. (2003). Assesing the impact of Retailer´s relationship efforts on consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10, 95-108.
Denegri, M., Cabezas, D., Herrera, V., Paez, A., & Vargas, M. (2009). Personalidad de marca de carreras de psicología de universidades estatales en Chile: Un estudio Descriptivo. Revista IIPSI, 12(2), 13-23.
Denegri, M., Cabezas, D., Novoa, M., Peralta, J., & Estrada, C. (2013). Personalidad de marca en carreras de psicología de zonas territoriales extremas: Arica y Punta Arenas. Magallania (Chile), 41(2) 85-100.
Deng, S., & Dart, J. (1994). Measuring market orientation: A multi-factor, multi-item approach. Journal of Marketing Management, 10(8), 725-742.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dill,D. (2007). Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Practices and Issues. UNC College of Arts and Sciences, 1-13. Recuperado en:
Fernández, A. (2011). Las Escuelas de Negocio y el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo Económico. La visión desde una escuela pública. Revista Economía Industrial, (381), 15-18.
Fernandi, J., Valette-Florence, P., & Fine-Falcy, S. (2000). Aakker´s brand personality scale in a French Context: a replication and preliminary test of its validity. Developments in Marketing Science, 23, 7-13.
Freling, T., Crosno, J., & Henard, D. (2011). Brand personality appeal: conceptualization and empirical validation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(3), 392-406.
Gallo, G. (2000). Posicionamiento: El caso Latinoamericano. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.
García, L., Denegri, M., Orellana, O. Y., Herrera, E., & Campos, M. (2014). Personalidad de marca en carreras pertenecientes a tres áreas académicas de la UNMSM. Revista de Investigación en Psicología (IIPSI),17(1), 13-29.
Geuens, M., Weijters, B., & De Wulf, K. (2009). A new measure of brand personality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(2), 97-107.
Gómez, A., Yague, M. J., & Villaseñor, N. (2014). Destination Brand Personality: An Application to Spanish Tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.1997
González, Ó., & Schmal, R. (2005). Descripción del sistema universitario de Colombia y de Chile: Una relación comparativa. Cuadernos de Administración, 18, 221-240.
Goñi, N., Torres, E., & Aguilera, S. (2013). Dimensiones de la personalidad de la marca. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (RCS), XIX(2), 213-225.
Haigood, T. (2001). Desconstructing Brand Personality. En AMA Summer Educators Conference. Chicago.
Heere, B. (2010), A New Approach to Measure Perceived Brand Personality Associations Among Consumers. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 19(1), 17-24.
Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination image and destination personality: An application of branding theories to tourism places. Psychological Research, 43, 638-642.
Jain, R., Sahney, S., & Sinha, G. (2013). Developing a Scale to Measure Student´s Perception of Service Quality in the Indian Context. The TQM Journal, 25(3), 276-294.
Jain, R., Sinha, G., & Sahney, S. (2011). Conceptualizing service quality in higher education. Asian Journal on Quality, 12, 296-314.
Kapferer, J. N. (1992). Strategic Brand Management. New York: Free Press.
Karami, M., & Olfati, O. (2012). Measuring service quality and satisfaction of students: A case study of students´ perception of service quality in high-ranking business schools in Iran. African Journal of Business Management, 6(2), 658-669.
Keller, K. (1993). Conceptualising, measuring and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22.
Keller, K., & Richey, K. (2006). The importance of corporate brand personality traits to a successful 21st century business. Brand Management, 14, 74-81.
Kim, C., Han, D., & Park, S. (2001). The effect if brand personality and bran identification on brand loyalty: Applying theory of social identification. Japanese Psychological Research, 43, 195-206.
Koebel, M. N., & Ladwein, R. (1999). L´échelle de personalité de la marque de Jennifer Aaker: Adaptation au contexte francais. Décisions Marketing, 18, 81-88.
Larraín, C., & Zurita, S. (2008). The new student loan system in Chile´s higher education. Higher Education, 55(6), 683-702.
Lee, E.-J., & Rhee, E.-Y. (2008). Conceptual Framework of Within-Category Brand Personality Based on Consumers’ Perception (WCBP-CP): The Case of Men’s Apparel Category in South Korea. Journal of Brand Management, 15(6), 465-489.
Lenk, P., Batra, R., & Wedel, M. (2003). Representing brand and category personality with circumplex models. Ann Arbor, USA: University of Michigan Business School.
Mackenzie, S. P., & Podsakoff, N. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and Behavioral Research: Integrating new and existing techniquez. MIS Quarterly, 35(2), 293-334.
Malhotra, N. (2004). Investigación de Mercados (4.ª ed.). México D. F.: Pearson Educación.
Menéndez, J. (2014). Educación Superior en Chile: ¿Fin de un ciclo de expansión para las universidades? Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada, 5(5), 134-148.
Milas, G., & Mlacic, B. (2007). Brand personality and human personality: Findings from ratings of familiar Croatian brands. Journal of Business Research, 60, 620-626.
Melike, D., Oznur, Y., Burcu, G., & Kemal, K. (2008). Branding places: applying brand personality concept to cities. European Journal of Marketing, 44, 1286-1304.
Muller, B., & Chandon, J. L. (2003), The impact of visiting a brand website on brand personality. Electronic Markets, 13(3), 210-221.
Muller, K., Zancan, R., (2012), Brand Personality Dimensions in the Brazilian Context BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, 9(2), 168-188.
Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric theory (2.ª ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Okazaki, S. (2006). Excitement or Sophistication? A Preliminary Exploration of Online Brand Personality. International Marketing Review, 23(3), 279-304.
Olavarrieta, S., Friedmann, R., & Manzur, E. (2010). Brand personality in Chile: a combined emicetic approach. Estudios de Administración, 17(1), 25-50.
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