Financial efficiency in the management of public universities in Colombia: data envelopment analysis with a focus on slacks for the year 2021

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Germán Báez Mancera


Efficiency, Economics of Education, Econometrics, Financial Economics, Quantitative Methods


The research analyzes the technical efficiency of the financial resources allocated to public universities in Colombia, proposing improvement strategies based on the analysis of slack. Its main objective is to identify levels of relative efficiency to optimize resource use. Data from 2021 financial statements were used, and the Input-Oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA-I) model was applied. The results show that 43.5% of the institutions are 100% efficient, while 56.5% exhibit inefficiency, with an average efficiency of 83.836%, ranging from 35.51% to 100%, and a standard deviation of 21.37%. The study follows a positivist paradigm and a quantitative approach, allowing for an objective and statistical analysis of financial resources in the public higher education system.


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