Young and Neet: A Disincentive for Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia?
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Innovation, youth employment, science policy
The article presented below aims to identify the implications of a Science, Technology and Innovation Policy that lacks of strategies to link young people who do not study and do not work, or Neet, in activities related to the development of scientific knowledge in Colombia. To fulfill this purpose, the characteristics of the country's young population, its participation in the labor market and its level of training are compared between the second quarter of 2009, the year of creation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy -STI-, and the 2016, year in which it was reformed. Among the main findings, relevant aspects for the design of the STI Policy in Colombia are identified, which include intersectional strategies where variables such as gender, age, stratum, educational level and spatial location are relevant for the construction of occupational identities that encourage the bonding of young people to the science, technology and innovation activities of the economy.
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