Ricoeur and the Concept of Text

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Mauricio Vélez Upegui https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9359-7429


Text, hermeneutics, understanding, explanation, interpretation, oneself


Although the concept “text” derive from the Latin (and therefore carries with it centuries of daily use), only achieve conceptual status after of the second half of the twentieth century. How does an author such Paul Ricoeur makes the expression “text” in a concept? The purpose of this paper is to suggest an answer to such question. For this aim it is proposed the following conjecture, divided into three propositional components, namely, a) that performed as written discourse, holds the condition of text; b) that which holds the condition of text is assigned to a reader to carry out an interpretation; c) the reader who interprets a text may be open to the understanding of oneself.


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