Discurso argumentativo y auditorio

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Julder Gómez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0019-555X


Argumentation, speaker, audience, matter of agreement, argumentativespeech


Usually, it is acceptable to say that argumentation depends on the speaker and the audience. But we know that we can understand an argumentative text beyond the circumstances of its emission. These postulates are compatibles. However, we need two conditions for the constitution of the knowledge in argumentation: First, it demands a specification about the role of the knowledge of, both, speaker and the audience. Second, we must to establish the knowledge of the discourse, itself. In order to satisfy this demands, this article display two parts: a)the concept of argumentation, with a hypothesis about the way as the receptor define that an speech is argumentative. b) A hypothesis about the way as the interpreter can to know to the speaker and the audience.


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