Multi-modal systems of restricted depth

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Manuel Sierra A.


multi-modal logic, reasoners with restrictions, language with restrictions.


They are presented as extensions of the classical propositional logic, the hierarchy of deductive systems SMM–n with n > 1. SMM–n is the multi–modal system of depth–n. The system SMM–1 is the classical propositional logic. The system SMM–(n + 1) it can be seen as the result of applying the necesariedad rule, associated to the reasoners with enough reasoning capacity, once to the theorems of the system SMM–n. The system SMM is of the union of the systems of the hierarchy, and it can be seen as the system of logic multimodal Km with restrictions. The systems SMM–n are characterized with a semantics to the style Kripke, in the one which, the longitude of the chains of possible worlds is restricted.

MSC: 03BXX, 03B05, 03B45


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