Sistema paraconsistente LBPc¬I

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Manuel Sierra A.


incompatibility, weak negation, paraconsistent deductive system.


The language of the LBPc¬I system extends the language of the classical positive logic when including an operator of weak negation and an operator of incompatibility, and permit to define an operator of strong negation; this last one has all the characteristics of the classical negation. The system is characterized by a traditional semantics with which test that, with respect to the operator of weak negation, the system is paraconsistent. When the formulas involved in an argument behave classically, that is to say, are incompatible with his weak negation, then the weak negation behaves like the classical negation, but this requirement not always is necessary, the weak negation can precise be as powerful as the classical negation although the involved formulas do not behave classically.

MSC: 03Bxx, 03B53 


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