Optimal placement of distributed generation in electric power system

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Jesús María López–Lezama
Antonio Padilha–Feltrin
Luis Alfonso Gallego Pareja


optimal power flow, distributed generation, locational marginal prices.


This paper presents a methodology for optimal placement of distributed generation (DG) in electric power system. The candidate buses for DG placement
are identified on the bases of locational marginal prices. These prices are obtained by solving an optimal power flow (OPF) and correspond to the Lagrange multipliers of the active power balance equations in every bus of the system.
In order to consider the distributed generation in the OPF model, the DG was modeled as a negative injection of active power. The methodology consists of
a nonlinear iterative process in which DG is allocated in the bus with the highest locational marginal price. Three types of DG were considered in the model: 1) internal combustion engines, 2) gas turbines and 3) microturbines.
The proposed methodology is tested on the IEEE 30 bus test system. The results obtained show that DG contributes to the reduction of nodal prices, and it can help to alleviate congestion problems in the transmission network.

PACS: 88.80.H-, 88.50.Mp


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