A propósito de la revisión por pares y el factor de impacto
Abstract 812 | PDF (Español) Downloads 337 HTML (Español) Downloads 258Page 9-10
Properties and Applications of Extended Hypergeometric Functions
Abstract 1645 | PDF Downloads 1095 HTML Downloads 1208 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.1Page 11-31
A mathematical model for social security systems with dynamical systems
Abstract 1401 | PDF Downloads 816 HTML Downloads 1053 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.2Page 33-53
A Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Location Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet
Abstract 1600 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1697 HTML (Español) Downloads 1839 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.3Page 55-76
Optimal Relocation of Distribution Transformers using the Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm NSGA II
Abstract 1298 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1214 HTML (Español) Downloads 9825 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.4Page 77-97
Overall Description of Wind Power
Abstract 1666 | PDF Downloads 1063 HTML Downloads 7880 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.5Page 99-126
Evaluation Radioelectric Spectrum Occupancy in Bogota-Colombia.
Abstract 1155 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1541 HTML (Español) Downloads 991 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.6Page 127-143
Computational Study of Allotropic Structures of Carbon by Density Functional Theory (DTF)
Abstract 1478 | PDF Downloads 794 HTML Downloads 1433 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.7Page 145-162
Application of a Model of Balance Population in a Ball Mill in the Cement Industry
Abstract 1412 | PDF (Español) Downloads 2378 HTML (Español) Downloads 1350 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.8Page 163-177
Methodologies to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Struc- tural Concrete with Recycled Aggregates
Abstract 2340 | PDF (Español) Downloads 744 HTML (Español) Downloads 1247 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.9Page 179-195
Mechanical Strength Optimization of Alkali-Activated MK/GBFS Binary Cements Through the Response Surface Methodology
Abstract 1235 | PDF (Español) Downloads 594 HTML (Español) Downloads 1040 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.10Page 197-220
Assesment of the Mechanical Variability of Rock Slabs by Means of Non-Destructive Tests
Abstract 1254 | PDF (Español) Downloads 874 HTML (Español) Downloads 7577 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.11Page 221-246
Analytic and Heuristic Methodologies for Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP): a review Part 1
Abstract 2163 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7499 HTML (Español) Downloads 4232 | DOI https://doi.org/10.17230/ingciencia.10.19.12Page 247-271